

Free Text Translator, easy to use and fast. Ideal for carrying in your phone or tablet. Translate to and from over 40 languages, and pronounce the words written for a better understanding. Although its main use is the translation from English to Spanish and vice versa, you can do many more language translations. The use of this application is 100% free and free but needs an internet connection to connect to the translation server.
The languages ??currently supported are: (en) Spanish (es) English, (pt) Portuguese, (of) German, (hu) Hungarian, (ar) Arabic, (id) Indonesian (bg) Bulgarian, (ca) Catalan, (it) Italian, (cs) Czech, (ja) Japanese (zh-CHS) Chinese (simp) (lv) Latvian (zh-CHT) Chinese (trad), (lt) Lithuanian, (ko) Korean (ms) Malay (ht) Haitian (no) Norwegian, (da) Danish, (fa) Persian, (sk) Slovak (pl) Polish, (sl) Slovenian (ro) Romanian (et) Estonian (ru) Russian, (fi) Finnish (sv) Swedish (fr) French, (th) Thai (the) Greek, (tr) Turkish, (he) Hebrew (uk) Ukrainian, (hi) Hindi, (ur) Urdu, (mww) Hmong Daw, (vi) Vietnamese, (nl) Dutch.
This is the first version so it may contain some bugs, report them to appreciate improve soon. In future versions of the translator will add the ability to read text using the device camera, listening text into the microphone and other news.
We added an icon with a shortcut to a useful internet browser so that your online experience even better.
If the translator is to your liking, thank you positively qualify us to continue improving.
Thank you very much for using our translator!

Size : 237k

Current Version : 5.1
Requires Android : 2.2 and up+

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